
Sunday 9 March 2014

Belated Happy New Year all

Hi all

It's been a terrible start to the new year here, with lots of personal issues and stuff that's taken its toll on things I'm afraid. Needless to say all work on the new project has stopped even before it got past the planning stage. Bear with me on this and I hope to try and get into a position to work on it as soon as things settle, whenever that might be.

In the meantime, I have a few "burns" left for the old "Lest We Forget" CD (ie in the legal contract that I am allowed to produce for the project), these have to be done by the end of April, so if anyone would still like a copy please let me know and I'll get on the case. As a little "thank you" for the project I am contemplating adding a few out-take and pre-mix versions to these extra CDs, so they'll be ever so slightly more collectible.

Also, I am thinking of remastering the previously well received "One More Gesture" album, so again let me know if you'd like a copy.

As ever, all profits will go to charity.

Hope you're all having a good start to 2014... or at least a better one than the one currently occurring here.

Very best wishes for a great spring and summer ahead.

Steve, 10 March 2014