
Wednesday 24 July 2013

Final burn date moved!

Having just found an old email circulation list, I have decided to move the final burn date back a few weeks to give the people on this list a chance to respond... and as there are also other fingers in other pies too, it makes a lot of sense to put the date back!

The end (and FINAL final) date is now set for the end of August, ie Saturday 31st August.

It seems silly to stop progress when it seems to be in full flow and with a few unresearched areas that could still result in sales (and thus money for the charities).

If you're new here, and would like a copy of the CD EP, please look at the following page on this blogsite for details of how to get one:

SO.... PLEASE keep pushing the word for the project around as much as you can.

Steve, 24 July

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