
Sunday 16 June 2013

LEST WE FORGET - Ready for release tomorrow!!

At long last - and after a period of some three years - the charity CD is now ready for issue, and will begin to be despatched tomorrow (Monday 17th June).

Payment is by donation, with a recommended minimum donation of £5 GBP.

UK Buyers
A CD or 320kbps coded mp3 of the CD is on offer to all; please stipulate which you prefer.

Non-UK Buyers
Only the mp3 is available (sorry, but as the cost includes postage, this is necessary to ensure that outlay is kept to a minimum and profit for charity is as high as possible).

All profits will be going to two charities, ie DEC and Cancer Research UK.


Please send money using this method to the following email address:

Cash / Cheque
I will accept payment by this method; however, please email me for payee and address details (again to

If requesting a CD, please state your delivery address with the payment (or by email to the same email as quoted here). Download links to the mp3s will be sent as soon as I'm aware of payment.

I'm hoping that we can raise as much money as possible to ensure that the project has been worthwhile - and also to get as much money for the two charities. As ever, PLEASE tell as many people as possible of this project.

Hope to hear from you all very soon - and thanks again for your continued support!!

Steve, 16 June

1 comment:

  1. Respect and chapeau for this initiative. As it comes with music I will contribute to my budget. Don't do paypal anymore as they achives to bloc my money by months because somebody robbed me.
    Please give an adress Steve and I hope this will be a succes. All the best from Amsterdam.
